Başlatan AVCI, 28 Haziran 2013, 08:14:12

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Bunu neden es geçtik yahu güzel haberler vardı burada,alın bir tanesi mesela Piaggio P180 Turboprop uçağı İHA olarak düzenlenmiş.

Alıntı YapPiaggio Aero P.1HH HammerHead
Piaggio Aero
The Italian-made HammerHead is Europe's largest drone. Following the path of the Firescout C, this massive turboprop is built on the body of a commercial airplane, one usually full of people. In this case, it started as a P.180 Avanti II, a plane known for its unusual forward wing. In aviation circles, that's known as a canard, but from where I sit, it looks like an airplane mustache.
Like America's iconic predator drones, the HammerHead is designed for reconnaissance but will be able to carry up to 500 pounds of payload, usually sensors like the built-in FLIR infrared camera but also optional weapons.
The distinctive feature about the HammerHead, perhaps its biggest selling point, is its variable speed. The Hammerhead can do normal drone stuff, cruising at 45,000 feet for up to 16 hours, cruising at the leisurely pace of 135 mph, much like a Predator. Predators, however, can't ever go much faster than their cruising speed, topping out about 20 mph above their norm. The HammerHead, on the other hand, can go almost 500 mph at maximum speed, which will put it in place quickly and let it run away from a tricky situation.
It's still a few years from entering regular service, but the HammerHead is a very clear sign that meaningful drone innovation isn't only happening on this side of the Atlantic. Mesajı Paylaş
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EADS'tan elektirikli eğitim uçağı.

Alıntı Yap

Light Electric Trainer
TechnologicVehicles, via YouTube
Designed by European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company and Aero Composites Saintonge, the E-Fan is a two-seat training plane that's fully electric.
Lithium-polymer batteries are common in cellphones, but here, two much larger ones provide the power for the plane, giving it a maximum flight time of an hour. Improvements to flight time will come with improvements in battery life. Composite material construction makes the plane very light, which is how the plane can have a 31-foot-wide wingspan and 22-foot length and still have a weight less than half that of an average car.
Lightweight and small are what the first generations of all-electric planes will look like, but as batteries improve, expect planes like this to get much bigger. Mesajı Paylaş

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