Başlatan AVCI, 15 Nisan 2014, 12:42:55

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Impressive Communications and Havelsan Teams for EW in Malaysia

Impressive Communications today signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Havelsan to collaborate electronic warfare database management and information system to increase Malaysian Armed Forces' defense capabilities, especially in electronic warfare competence.

Under the agreement, Impressive Communications and Havelsan expect to develop a long-term relationship to jointly develop software by utilizing Havelsan's existing solutions for Electronic Warfare Database Management and Information Systems.

In addition to the mutual efforts by the two companies, this collaboration includes the specific training of electric and electronic engineering students in electronic warfare area by the National Defense University, Malaysia; so that this effort will constitute the backbone of the near future of extension of the electronic warfare capabilities of the country.

Impressive Communications, will work as a local actor with Havelsan, and would like to build a strong synergy and provide solutions to the relevant potential end-users by utilizing both companies' well-known expertise and know-how. Havelsan today has a strong presence with technical and strategic capabilities in the different parts of the world, providing state-of-art solution in the defense and civilian markets, as well as strategic and organizational design and full project life cycle support services to a variety of government and commercial clients.
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