Başlatan AVCI, 16 Nisan 2010, 19:58:07

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22-26 Mart 2010 tarihleri arasında düzenlenen FIDAE 2010 Havacılık Fuarı kapsamında Türk savunma sanayisi silah ve mühimmat, elektronik sistemler-hava savunma, roket ve füze, bakım idame, lojistik ve tekstil alanında temsil edilmiştir.
Fuara Müsteşarlığımız koordinasyonunda ASELSAN A.Þ.(hava savunma ve tank modernizasyonu), MKEK (silah ve mühimmat), ROKETSAN (OMTAS), MİKES (helikopter elektronik harp-kendini koruma sistemleri), SARSILMAZ ve TİSAÞ (çeşitli kalibrelerde tabanca ve tüfek), YAKUPOĞLU (askeri tekstil ve deri ürünleri), GATE Elektronik (İnsansız Sualtı Aracı ve kart seviyesinde arızaların tespiti ve arızaların giderilmesini sağlayan cihazlar) ile katılım sağlamışlardır.
Müsteşarlığımız koordinasyonunda Milli standımızı; Arjantin,Brezilya, Kolombiya, Ekvador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Þili Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Lojistik Komutanları, Þili Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Kurmay Başkanı Javier Juarez, Þili Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Harekat Başkanı Tümgeneral Hugo Tillyi, FAMAE Direktörü Tümgeneral Juan Biskupovic, İspanya Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Kurmay Başkanı General Jose Jimenez ziyaret etmişlerdir.
FIDAE 2010 kapsamında; Þili Prensa dergisi, Chilevision, Þili La Tercera Gazetesi, Brezilya Paulo Newsland Internacional Communicacion dergisi, İspanya Grupo Editorial Defensa S.A. gazetesi, CNN-ES medya kuruluşlarına Türk savunma sanayisi ile ilgili bilgi verilmiştir.
Fuar kapsamında 26 Mart 2010 günü MKEK ile FAMAE arasında ortak silah ve mühimmat üretimine ilişkin işbirliği dokümanı imzalanmıştır. Mesajı Paylaş
  • Gösterim 6,247 
  • Fuarlar, Geziler ve Tatbikatlar / Expositions, Travel and Military Exercises
  • 1 Yanıtlar

Katar ile Milgem üzerine görüşmeler yapılıyormuş.

Alıntı YapTurkey makes presence felt at DIMDEX 2010

Expert at the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries in Turkey Mithat KUP at the DIMDEX 2010 exhibition yesterday.
Doha: The first venture into Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference (DIMDEX) has been much beyond the expectation for the Turkish defence companies. With 16 leading maritime defence manufacturers, Turkey is making its presence known strongly.

"The demand for defence equipment is huge in the Middle East and North African (Mena) region," said Mithat KUP, Expert at the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries, Turkey.

"Turkey is an emerging force in the global defence sector, and due to various reasons, it is fitting that the latest Turkish technologies can meet the demands of these naval forces," he told The Peninsula.

The country's self-sufficient defence industry has made its presence known in the fields of aerospace, naval ship building, tracked and wheeled armoured vehicles, specialised textiles, small and heavy armaments and ammunition, artillery rockets and defence electronics. The companies compete at international defence markets and have been receiving orders for their products.

"We are now competing for a few proposals by the Qatari navy for Corvette, which we hope to get. We are also looking at more cooperation in the field with countries in the region. Our defence industries are very old and have been growing tremendously, that we have proven success with the MILGEM project for in-country design and construction of anti-submarine warfare and off shore patrol vessels."

The leading defence companies at DIMDEX 2010 include ARES Shipyards, Dearsan, Duzgit Yalova, Elektroland, ETC-IS, Gate Elektronik, Genetlab, Havelsan, Istanbul Shipyard, Ka-Tron, Meteksan, Milsoft, STM, Uyar Companies Group, Yakupoglu and Yaltes.

The Turkish group is led by Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM), Turkey's main procurement agency, who provides comprehensive support to the presentation of Turkish defence industrial capabilities under a National Participation concept at international defence fairs.

Apart from these companies, Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik, also participated in the event. With SSM targeting to export $1bn worth defence equipment and services by the end 2010, Turkey will have increased participation at the next DIMDEX.

"Many companies from the region are approaching us for not only naval but also other projects. We will be here again with more companies. Since DIMDEX is the only one of its kind in the region, it is poised to grow larger," he said.
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