Roketsan 107-122 mm roket sistemleri

Başlatan AVCI, 07 Ağustos 2013, 11:54:15

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Roketsan güdümlü 122 ve 300 mm roketler üzerinde çalışmalar yapıyor,aşağıdaki resimdekinin benzeri ortak bir kompozit lançerden fırlatılabilecek bir sistem planlanıyormuş.

Uluslarası basından konu ile ilgili haber.

Alıntı YapRoketsan offers new MRL system

Roketsan displayed its new T-122/300 Multi Calibre and Multi Barrel Rocket Launching System at the recent IDEF 2013 exhibition in Istanbul, Turkey. At first sight, this resembles the earlier 300 mm Kasirga MRL but is a completely new system.
Development of the T-122/300 began in October 2010, and qualification trials were completed by the end of 2012. Production is under way for the first customer, which has not been identified. The hardware needed to equip the first battery is due to be delivered by the end of the year.
A typical T-122/300 battery would be made up of one C-122/300 command-and-control (C2) vehicle, six T-122/300 launcher vehicles, six L-122/300 ammunition supply vehicles, one M-122/300 meteorological vehicle, and one R-122/300 repair vehicle. The C2 system and weapon management system of the battery can be integrated with modern fire-support automation and battlefield command, control and management systems. This will allow the use of information from a target acquisition radar or an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
Roketsan's engineers have designed a new cradle, plus a new universal system frame fitted with four hydraulically actuated stabilising jacks. The frame carries the cradle and other systems (such as an independent power source, tools and basic repair kit). The first customer has specified the use of the Russian made four-axle Kamaz-63502 8x8 truck chassis.
The T-122/300 can launch both 122 mm and 300 mm calibre rockets. These are loaded in sealed and thermally insulated composite containers that shorten reloading time, and give protection from adverse environmental and operational conditions.
The cradle is designed to carry two rocket packs loaded with rockets of identical calibre. The range of azimuth training angles depends on the type of pack that is installed. The 122 mm rocket packs can be trained ±120 degrees in azimuth from the vehicle's centreline, but this falls to only ±20 degrees when 300 mm rockets are loaded.
Each 122 mm pack holds 20 TR-122 or TRB-122 rockets, so the fully loaded launcher has a total of 40. The TR-122 is fitted with a point detonating fuze, while the TRB-122 uses a proximity fuze with a back-up point-detonating mode. Both types of 122 mm rocket have a maximum range of 36 km at sea level, or 40 km at 600 m altitude. They weigh 65.9 kg and carry a 18.4 kg warhead.
For 300 mm rockets, a new pack was designed, rather than adopting that used by the earlier Kasirga MRL. (It is worth noting that the Turkish Armed Forces classify the 300 mm rocket used by the Kasirga MRL as being of 302 mm diameter., due to the presence of fastening strips on the rocket body.)
The 300 mm pack consists of two launch tubes mounted one above the other. When two are installed on the cradle, the vehicle has four rockets ready to launch. The rocket is produced in two basic versions - the TR-300E (Extended Range) and TR-300S (Short Range). Both weigh 590 kg, and carry an HE + steel ball warhead weighing 150 kg and fitted with a proximity fuze with a point-detonating back-up mode.
The TR-300E rocket has a maximum range of about 105 km at sea level and 120-125 km at higher altitudes. Minimum range at sea level is 65 km.
The TR-300S rocket is the TR-300E fitted with a braking (aerodynamic spoiler) ring. The ring increases the nose drag of the rocket, the result of which is that the maximum and minimum sea-level ranges are reduced to 60 km and 40 km respectively.

Roketsan is currently working on a new weapon able to be launched from the 300 mm rocket container. This is expected to be closer in concept to a guided missile than a guided artillery rocket, but no details are available.
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